BIPM Time Dept database
BIPM Time Department Data Base

Website content description

Laboratories : full list of participating labs and their related information
Current status : current laboratories participation to UTC and UTCr
Geographical map : Geographical distribution of partcipating laboratories
Rules & guidelines : Full documentation and guidelines for UTC and UTCr participation
Tutorials & CBKT : Tutorials and CBKT (capacity building and knowledge transfer)
Dissemination services : Time dissemination services list and Time signals emissions
Clocks : list of clocks by laboratory
GNSS : list of all GNSS equipments in UTC participating laboratories and their calibration status
TWSTFT : list of all TWSTFT equipments in UTC participating laboratories and their calibration status
source of UTC(k) : Equipment and source of UTC(k) of the laboratories contributing to TAI
PSFS : Access to PSFS evaluation reports
Calibrations : Documentation
GNSS status : list of GNSS calibration exercices (past and future)
GNSS results : results of GNSS calibration exercices
TWSTFT status : list of TWSTFT calibration exercices
[UTC-UTC(k)] : Interactive plot of UTC(k) wrt UTC/UTCr
UTC and GNSS : Interactive plot GNSS time scales wrt UTC
PSFS contributions : Plot with Primary and Secondary Frequency Standards participating to TAI
Fractional deviation d : Plot with Fractional deviation d of TAI scale interval (PSFS)
Clock stats and codes : list of all clocks contributing to UTC
Get clock code : Tool to generate the BIPM clock code of a clock (necessary to start reporting the clock for TAI)
Time scales : Relations between time scales EAL, TAI, UTC.
Web services
API Time scales : Application programming interfaces developed to provide UTC(k) and GNSS times results
API CCL-CCTF : Mises en Pratique for the metre and the second ("Recommended values of standard frequencies").
FTP results : Direct access to published data on FTP
Sitemap : index of the website
Newsletter : to subscribe or unsubscribe to mailing lists
Contact us

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