Acronyms and locations
Acronym | Name of the Institute | City | Country |
CIPM MRA signatory |
Previous acronym (if any) |
Year of start |
Year of stop |
BIPM Code |
2-characters | Numeric |
AGGO | Argentinian-German Geodetic Observatory | La Plata | Argentina | | TCC | 2002 | - | TC | 10086 |
AOS | Astrogeodynamical Observatory, Space Research Centre P.A.S. | Borowiec | Poland | | | 1988 | - | AO | 10046 |
APL | Applied Physics Laboratory | Laurel | United States of America | | | 1978 | - | AP | 10031 |
AUS | National Measurement Institute | Sydney | Australia | NMIA | | 1973 | - | AU | 10054 |
BEV | Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen | Wien | Austria | BEV | | 1975 | - | BE | 10034 |
BFKH | Government Office of Capital City of Budapest, Metrology and Technical Supervisory Department | Budapest | Hungary | BFKH | OMH | MKEH | 1974 | - | MK | 10033 |
BIM | Bulgarian Institute of Metrology | Sofiya | Bulgaria | BIM | NMC | 1991 | - | BM | 10066 |
BIRM | Beijing Institute of Radio Metrology and Measurement | Beijing | P.R. China | | | 1995 | - | BI | 10071 |
BOM | Bureau of Metrology of Macedonia | Skopje | Macedonia | BOM | | 2017 | - | MA | 10090 |
BSJ | Bureau of Standards Jamaica | Kingston | Jamaica | BSJ | | 2024 | - | JM | 10035 |
BY | Belarussian State Institute of Metrology | Minsk | Belarus | BelGIM | | 2007 | - | BY | 10042 |
CAO | Stazione Astronomica di Cagliari (Cagliari Astronomical Observatory) | Cagliari | Italy | | | 1982 | - | CA | 10032 |
CH | Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS) | Bern | Switzerland | METAS | | 1972 | - | CH | 10057 |
CNES | Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales | Toulouse | France | | | 2016 | - | CS | 10043 |
CNM | Centro Nacional de Metrologia | Queretaro | Mexico | CENAM | | 1996 | - | CN | 10073 |
CNMP | Centro Nacional de Metrología de Panamá (CENAMEP) | Panama | Panama | CENAMAP AIP | | 2003 | - | MP | 10088 |
DFM | Dansk Fundamental Metrologi (DFM A/S) | Hørsholm | Denmark | DFM | | 2022 | - | DK | 10097 |
DFNT | Laboratoire de Métrologie de la Direction Générale des Transmissions et de l'Informatique (DEF-NAT) | Tunis | Tunisia | DEF-NAT | | 2014 | - | DN | 10006 |
DLR | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft - und Raumfahrt (German Aerospace Centre) | Oberpfaffenhofen | Germany | | | 1996 | - | DL | 10074 |
DMDM | Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals | Belgrade | Serbia | ZMDM | | 1983 | - | ZM | 10055 |
DTAG | Deutsche Telekom AG | Frankfurt/M | Germany | | | 1981 | - | DT | 10053 |
EIM | Hellenic Institute of Metrology | Thessaloniki | Greece | EIM | | 2007 | - | EI | 10023 |
ESA | European Space Agency | Noordwijk | The Netherlands | ESA | ESTC | 2012 | - | ES | 10025 |
HKO | Hong Kong Observatory | Hong Kong | Hong Kong (China) | | | 2004 | - | HK | 10089 |
IBM | Instituto Boliviano De Metrologia | La Paz | Bolivia | IBMETRO | | 2023 | - | BO | 10096 |
ICE | Laboratorio Costarricense de Metrologia | San José | Costa Rica | LAMETRO-ICE | | 2017 | - | CE | 10092 |
IDN | Standardization Agency of Indonesia | Jakarta | Indonesia | SNSU-BSN | KIM | 2008 | - | KI | 10037 |
IFAG | Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy) | Wettzell | Germany | | | 1988 | - | IF | 10044 |
IFZG | State Office for Metrology | Zagreb | Croatia | DZM | | 2024 | - | HR | 10099 |
IGNA | Instituto Geográfico Nacional | Buenos Aires | Argentina | | | 1969 | - | IG | 10012 |
IMBH | Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina | IMBIH | | 2015 | - | BH | 10075 |
INCP | Instituto Nacional de Calidad (INACAL) of Peru | Lima | Peru | INACAL | | 2016 | - | CP | 10004 |
INM | Instituto Nacional de Metrología of Colombia | Bogota D.C. | Colombia | INM(CO) | | 2017 | - | IC | 10080 |
INPL | National Physical Laboratory of Israel | Jerusalem | Israel | INPL | | 1988 | - | IL | 10061 |
INTI | Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial | Buenos Aires | Argentina | INTI | | 2008 | - | IN | 10015 |
INXE | National Institute for Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO) | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil | INMETRO | | 2012 | - | NX | 10016 |
IPQ | Instituto Portugues da Qualidade | Caparica | Portugal | IPQ | | 1995 | - | IP | 10070 |
IT | Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM) | Torino | Italy | INRIM | IEN | 1970 | - | IT | 10011 |
JATC | Joint Atomic Time Commission | Lintong | P.R. China | | | 1988 | - | JA | 10060 |
JV | Justervesenet | Kjeller | Norway | JV | | 2003 | - | JV | 10087 |
KEBS | Kenya Bureau of Standards | Nairobi | Kenya | KEBS | | 2012 | 2019 | KE | 10069 |
KRIS | Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), | Daejeon | Rep. of Korea | KRISS | KSRI | 1988 | - | KR | 10056 |
KZ | Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology | Astana | Kazakhstan | KazStandard | | 2008 | - | KZ | 10027 |
LDS | University of Leeds | Leeds | United Kingdom | | | 1991 | 2009 | LD | 10065 |
LRTE | Laboratório de Referência de Tempo e Espaço | Sao Carlos | Brazil | | | 2018 | - | LR | 10091 |
LT | Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) | Vilnius | Lithuania | FTMC | | 2001 | - | LT | 10082 |
LUX | Bureau Luxembourgeois de Métrologie (ILNAS) | Belvaux | Luxembourg | ILNAS | | 2018 | - | LU | 10094 |
LV | Latvian National Metrology Centre | Riga | Latvia | LATMB | | 2007 | 2021 | LV | 10058 |
MASM | Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology | Ulaanbaatar | Mongolia | MASM | | 2013 | - | MN | 10051 |
MBM | Bureau of Metrology - Laboratory for time and frequency | Podgorica | Montenegro | BMM | | 2014 | - | ME | 10036 |
MIKE | VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Centre for Metrology | Espoo | Finland | MIKES | | 1978 | - | MI | 10041 |
MSL | Measurement Standards Laboratory | Lower Hutt | New Zealand | MSL | | 1984 | - | MS | 10063 |
MTC | MAKKAH Time Centre - King Abdulah Centre for Crescent Observations and Astronomy | Makkah | Saudi Arabia | | | 2012 | - | MC | 10059 |
NAO | National Astronomical Observatory | Mizusawa | Japan | | ILOM|NAOM | 1969 | - | NA | 10013 |
NICT | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | Tokyo | Japan | NICT | RRL|CRL | 1969 | - | NC | 10020 |
NIM | National Institute of Metrology | Beijing | P.R. China | NIM | | 1980 | - | IM | 10048 |
NIMB | National Institute of Metrology | Bucharest | Romania | INM | | 2002 | - | MB | 10085 |
NIMT | National Institute of Metrology (Thailand) | Pathumthani | Thailand | NIMT | | 2001 | - | MT | 10081 |
NIS | National Institute for Standards | Cairo | Egypt | NIS | | 1972 | - | IS | 10083 |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology | Boulder | United States of America | NIST | NBS | 1969 | - | NI | 10002 |
NMIJ | National Metrology Institute of Japan | Tsukuba | Japan | NMIJ AIST | NRLM | 1980 | - | NM | 10050 |
NMLS | National Metrology Laboratory of SIRIM Berhad | Sepang | Malaysia | NMIM | | 2002 | - | LS | 10084 |
NPL | National Physical Laboratory | Teddington | United Kingdom | NPL | | 1969 | - | NP | 10017 |
NPLI | National Physical Laboratory | New-Delhi | India | NPLI | | 1988 | - | LI | 10052 |
NRC | National Research Council of Canada | Ottawa | Canada | NRC | | 1969 | - | NR | 10003 |
NRL | U.S. Naval Research Laboratory | Washington DC | United States of America | | | 2007 | - | RL | 10010 |
NSAI | National Standards Authority of Ireland's National Metrology Laboratory (NSAI NML) | Dublin | Ireland | NSAI NML | | 2020 | - | IE | 10093 |
NTSC | National Time Service Center of China | Lintong | P.R. China | | CSAO | 1980 | - | NT | 10049 |
ONBA | Observatorio Naval | Buenos Aires | Argentina | | | 1970 | - | ON | 10018 |
ONRJ | Observatório Nacional | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil | ON/DSHO | | 1972 | - | RJ | 10019 |
OP | Observatoire de Paris/Laboratoire Temps Espace | Paris | France | LNE-OP | LPTF,LNE-SYRTE | 1968 | - | OP | 10008 |
ORB | Observatoire Royal de Belgique | Bruxelles | Belgium | | | 1972 | - | OR | 10026 |
PL | Consortium of laboratories in Poland | Warszawa | Poland | GUM | PKSF|GUM | 1977 | - | PL | 10040 |
PTB | Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt | Braunschweig | Germany | PTB | | 1968 | - | PT | 10005 |
ROA | Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada | San Fernando | Spain | ROA | OMSF | 1989 | - | RO | 10014 |
SASO | Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization | Riyadh | Saudi Arabia | SASO-NMCC | | 2013 | - | SA | 10062 |
SCL | Standards and Calibration Laboratory | Hong Kong | Hong Kong (China) | SCL | | 1996 | - | SC | 10067 |
SG | National Metrology Centre - Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) | Singapore | Singapore | NMC, A*STAR | PSB | 1981 | - | SG | 10077 |
SIQ | Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology | Ljubljana | Slovenia | MIRS/SIQ/Metrology | | 2007 | - | SI | 10047 |
SL | Measurement Units, Standards and Services Department (MUSSD) | Colombo | Sri Lanka | MUSSD | | 2018 | - | SL | 10045 |
SMD | Metrology Division of the Quality and Safety Department - Scientific Metrology | Bruxelles | Belgium | SMD | | 2009 | - | SD | 10079 |
SMU | Slovenský Metrologický Ústav (Slovak Institute of Metrology) | Bratislava | Slovakia | SMU | | 1998 | - | SM | 10076 |
SP | Research Institutes of Sweden AB (RISE) | Boras | Sweden | RISE | | 1978 | - | SP | 10072 |
SU | Russian metrological institute of technical physics and radio engineering (FSUE "VNIIFTRI") | Moskva | Russian Federation | VNIIFTRI | | 1969 | - | SU | 10038 |
TL | Telecommunication Laboratories | Chung-Li | Chinese Taipei | TL | | 1972 | - | TL | 10030 |
TP | Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Czech Academy of Sciences (IPE/ASCR) | Praha | Czech Republic | IPE/ASCR | | 1968 | - | TP | 10022 |
TUG | Technische Universität | Graz | Austria | | | 1977 | 2000 | TU | 10039 |
UA | National Scientific Centre "Institute of Metrology" | Kharkiv | Ukraine | NSC IM | | 2006 | - | UA | 10078 |
UAE | Emirates Metrology Institute (EMI/UAE) | Abu Dhabi | The United Arab Emirates | EMI | | 2017 | - | AE | 10021 |
UME | Ulusai Metroloji Enstitüsü, Marmara Research Centre, (National Metrology Institute) | Gebze-Kocaeli | Türkiye | UME | | 1994 | - | UM | 10068 |
USNO | U.S. Naval Observatory | Washington DC | United States of America | | | 1968 | - | US | 10007 |
UTE | Administración Nacional de Usinas y Transmisiones | Montevideo | Uruguay | UTE | | 2023 | 2024 | UY | 10098 |
UZ | Uzbek National Institute of Metrology of Uzstandard Agency | Tashkent | Uzbekistan | UzNIM | | 2023 | - | UZ | 10064 |
VMI | Vietnam Metrology Institute | Ha Noi | Vietnam | VMI-STAMEQ | | 2008 | - | VM | 10028 |
VSL | VSL, Dutch Metrology Institute | Delft | The Netherlands | VSL | | 1973 | - | VS | 10024 |
ZA | National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) | Pretoria | South Africa | NMISA | CSIR | 1972 | - | ZA | 10029 |